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Understanding Dyslexia | Our Intervention



Dyslexia is a reading disorder characterised by low reading accuracy, speed and/or comprehension. Individuals with dyslexia often have difficulty relating to language processing such as difficulty identifying or generating rhyming words, learning new words, spelling, and distinguishing between similar letters (b or d) or words (saw vs was).

Dyslexia Symptoms

Dyslexia usually becomes apparent from age 6 to 9. Children with Dyslexia can be intelligent and smart, however do not do well in school.

Symptoms of dyslexia includes the following:

  • Difficulty reading (as compared to age-matched peers)
  • Difficulty remembering meaning and pronunciation of words read/learnt
  • Poor in spelling and comprehension, poor essay writing
  • Headaches and/or dizziness while reading
  • Perform well when quizzed orally but not in written assessments
  • Difficulty completing homework or learning new topics
  • Some have symptoms of attention deficit or distractibility (ADHD comorbidity)
Brain factors

With 25 years of experience in qEEG profiles, we have identified a variety of neurological causes for dyslexia, which gives rise to its various subtypes. Inactivity in other parts of the brain associated with language functions have also been found to contribute to dyslexic symptoms. qEEG brain mapping provides important information about how one is utilizing his/her brain while on a language task. With this information, we can design a tailored brain exercise program for the individual.

Many conditions can cause symptoms of dyslexia. Through our qEEG brain mapping, we find that some children might have been misdiagnosed. Regardless of whether they are called dyslexic or not, using qEEG, we can find out which brain areas are causing the reading or comprehension problems. With this information, we can design a specific training program to target the problematic areas. This leads to high success in intervention.

Going Further with Neurofeedback

We can exercise the specific parts of the brain associated with reading and language. The brain exercise enables one to learn to regulate neural activities at specific parts of the brain such as the Wernicke’s area. This skill allows one to activate these areas involved in reading at will.

This leads to:

  • Improve in reading – silent and orally
  • Improve comprehension and understanding
  • Concentrate better at tasks
  • Write in more elaborate form
  • Effective learning
Biological factors

Exposure to pollution and nutritional imbalance can affect brain function, learning and behaviour. Research is now beginning to recognize these factors. The following nutritional profile has found to have correlation with dyslexia and/or learning difficulties:

  • Elevated Copper level
  • Deficiency in Iron
  • Imbalanced Zinc/Copper ratio
  • Accumulation of heavy metals such as Mercury
  • Exposure to other toxins
  • Excessive acidity

Tests can be done to identify these problems. Intervention through supplementation and dietary habits could be designed to overcome them.

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